Chorkonzert: Augen Auf!



The 16 singers of the Swiss Vocal Consort sing haunting compositions by Lasso, Mahler, Palestrina and Monte, combining vocal beauty with contemporary testimonies.
Do not close your eyes to injustice. Incredible destruction and human abysses are too often hushed up or erased from the history books. But remembering is part of the learning process. From the destroyed biblical Babylon to the prisoners of war of the 21st century.

The concert program of the Swiss Vocal Consort combines music from the Renaissance around Psalm 136 with works for 16 voices from the 20th century. Psalm 136 is one of the best-known texts in the Bible, as the first part describes the great longing of the Jewish people in exile in Babylon for their homeland. An old biblical story that has been repeated again and again over the centuries right up to the present day. Composers of every era have addressed the longing for their homeland and the fear of expulsion. These are haunting works that combine vocal beauty with contemporary testimonies.

Works by Lasso, Escher, Palestrina, Leeuw, Monte, Panufnik and Mahler.

The Swiss Vocal Consort was founded in 2018 by Marco Amherd and gave its debut concerts in November 2018. The members are extremely experienced ensembles and promise a high artistic level. The aim of the Swiss Vocal Consort is to present vocal music in Switzerland at the highest level and thereby create added cultural value. The programs will therefore feature rarities that are often neglected in the normal cultural scene. Programs are presented that bridge the gap between early and new music and combine different worlds of sound.

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.

Door opening: 16.30 hrs


Sunday, the 29.09.2024

17:00 - 18:00

Good to know

Price info

CHF 30.00 / 15.00

Contact person

Schweizer Vokalconsort
Scheuchzerstrasse 212
8057 Zürich


Getting there
Chorkonzert: Augen Auf!
Seehofstrasse 4
6004 Luzern