Fondue Chinoise Abend im Hotel Sörenberg



Let us spoil you and enjoy a fine Fondue Chinoise à discrétion in the rustic Alpstübli.
On this evening we will serve you an aperitif, a mixed salad as a starter, fondue chinoise à discrétion (beef, pork and chicken) with homemade sauces and a side dish of chips, rice and vegetables.
The culinary evening is rounded off with a small dessert.

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.


Saturday, the 12.10.2024


Good to know

General Information

  • Registration required

Price info

Adults CHF 52.00
Children 6-12 years CHF 26.00

Contact person

Hotel Sörenberg
Rothornstrasse 19
6174 Sörenberg


Getting there
Fondue Chinoise Abend im Hotel Sörenberg
Rothornstrasse 19
6174 Sörenberg