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Good to know
On Saturday, February 22, 2025, the mountain peaks on Stoos will be shaking. The Hüsliverein Daydance with DJ G-Stone, DJ Pepe and the band People the People will take place in the middle of the village square, right in front of your Stoos Lodge. Experience a unique combination of rhythmic beats, good company and delicious drinks amidst the breathtaking mountains of Central Switzerland.
1.00 pm to 7.00 pm:
Start Daydance with DJ G-Stone and delicious food & drinks.
8.00 pm:
Concert by the band People the People in the Stoos Lodge Lounge
Bar with DJ Pepe in the Stoos Lodge
End your day in the mountains in a very special way and be there too.
1.00 pm to 7.00 pm:
Start Daydance with DJ G-Stone and delicious food & drinks.
8.00 pm:
Concert by the band People the People in the Stoos Lodge Lounge
Bar with DJ Pepe in the Stoos Lodge
End your day in the mountains in a very special way and be there too.