Potz-Sunntigsmusig - Familienkappelle Vogel



other events
Garden concert "Potz-Sunntigsmusig" with the Vogel family band from Romoos
In summer 2024, you can enjoy musical sounds in our beautiful garden on various Sundays.

The concerts take place from 2.00 - 4.00 pm. The "Potz-Sunntigsmusig" only takes place in dry weather.

Admission: free
Seating: no seats are reserved in advance, just come along and sit in a free seat according to the motto "cozy & uncomplicated".

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.


Sunday, the 29.09.2024

14:00 - 16:00

Good to know

Price info

Free admission

Contact person

FLÜHLI Hotel Kurhaus GmbH
Dorfstrasse 3
6173 Oberperfuss


Getting there
Potz-Sunntigsmusig - Familienkappelle Vogel
Dorfstrasse 3
6173 Flühli