Weltformat Graphic Design Festival 2024 / 5.–13.10.2024



The Weltformat Graphic Design Festival is an annual multi-day festival, held in the city of Lucerne for the past fifteen years, dedicated to national and international graphic design.
With this year's festival theme How to Start, we want to explore a question that keeps us designers in all shapes and colours busy. How do you actually start?

How to start a career in graphic design? What can we learn from established studios? How did they started? Were there important milestones that made their step into self-employment possible?

How do you start creative projects? Which methods help you to immerse yourself in a project as quickly and deeply as possible? And what happens when you are gripped by the familiar fear of the blank page? What methods are there to overcome this fear? Is it really all about the one magical idea? Or is it rather the process that ultimately determines quality?

We dare to take the plunge and make a start: on 5 October 2024, the Weltformat starts a new round. In the course of this year's festival, we are facing the fear of starting head on. Together, we will break through initial hurdles and climb the depths of starting holes. We will learn how other designers from the industry master this challenge on a day-to-day basis and how they also got started.

We are looking forward to it!
The Weltformat Team


Saturday, the 05.10.2024

12:00 - 18:00

Saturday, the 12.10.2024

12:00 - 18:00

Good to know


Contact person

Verein Weltformat
Löwenplatz 5
6004 Luzern


Getting there
Weltformat Graphic Design Festival 2024 / 5.–13.10.2024
Kornmarkt 3
6004 Luzern