Canyoning Outventure



Water sports
Canyoning is the act of walking through gorges in canyoning equipment. Constantly flowing water creates spectacular gorges, or canyons in English.
The Canyoning Tours by Outventure. In a neoprene suit, you jump, slide, swim and run through the beautiful landscape of the gorge, including abseiling.

The canyoning tour in the Kleine Schliere gorge near Alpnach, may count itself among the most beautiful and interesting gorges in German-speaking Switzerland. The tour in the heart of Switzerland is characterised by breathtaking jumps and long slides. An unforgettable experience and a concentrated load of adventure are guaranteed.

The impressive and deep gorge Grosse Melchaa is surrounded by grey limestone. There is usually a relatively large flow of beautiful turquoise water. The route is not technically demanding, but with the special ambience it also offers plenty for nature lovers.


Getting there
Outventure AG
Rotzbergstrasse 15
6362 Stansstad