Discover Lake Rot on a walk or run around its shoreline. You can also shorten your outing by taking the ferry.
Alternatively, take a refreshing dip in the Lake Rot lido. This is the only spot where swimming is permitted. The playground at the rowing centre is popular with children because of its long slide.
You can eat all year round at the Seehüsli restaurant situated by the inflow of the Ron river. The lido restaurant is open between May and late October.
Nature reserve
The lake is a nature arena, as well as a unique recreational amenity for the people of Lucerne. Situated two kilometres north of Lake Lucerne in the Maihof quarter, it comes under the jurisdiction of Lucerne and Ebikon. The lake and its shores are protected: numerous species of bird use the lake for breeding or overwintering, while the vicinity is home to rare and endangered plants.
Lake Rot ferry
The “Libelle” ferry plies the waters of the lake between Palm Sunday and late October. A ferry has operated here for more than 600 years; it’s suspended in inclement weather and during the rowing regatta.
Fishing in Lake Rot
Like fishing? Day or month permits are available from the lake warden; the season is between mid June and mid September.