Cultural route: Sursee-Beromünster-Sursee




32.85 km long
round trip
difficulty: medium
condition: easy
Great panorama
bike tour
  • 02:27 h
  • 472 m
  • 472 m
  • 497 m
  • 740 m
  • 243 m
  • 32.85 km
  • start: Sursee
  • destination: Sursee
From Sursee, you follow an ancient Roman way, enjoy views of the lake and mountains, and marvel at Beromünster’s unique cultural treasures.

On the cultural route between Sursee and Beromünster, you discover some idyllic countryside, fabulous views and exceptional historical monuments. The Roman way, a tranquil high-level path, leads from Schenkon to Eich. It is an immensely old transit route via Lake Sempach that, for centuries, saw travellers, tradespeople, pilgrims and soldiers pass back and forth between north and south. It offers a splendid panorama with Lake Sempach in the foreground, backed by the imposing peaks of the Central Swiss Alps.

Discover the rural municipality of Beromünster, in the truest sense of the word a treasure trove of cultural and historical artefacts and monuments. Pay a visit to the college of canons with the abbey, which houses an exceptionally impressive treasury containing liturgical artefacts spanning 1300 years. It is considered one of Switzerland and Europe’s most important medieval and baroque ecclesiastical treasuries.


Best season

depending on the weather


Bahnhof Sursee, Altstadt Sursee, Umfahrungsstrasse Sursee-Schenkon, Römerweg, Eich, Neuhof, Kirchbühl, Mussi, vorbei am Steinibüelweier, hinauf nach Hildisrieden, durch die Golfanlage Golf Sempachersee, durch den Gormunder Wald vorbei an Neudorf und dem Flugplatz, Beromünster, vorbei am Schlössliwald, Weiler Waldi, über die Hauptstrasse und vorbei am Sonnehof, Grüt, Ober- und Unterlehn, Schenkon, Zellfeld, Sursee Altstadt, Sursee Bahnhof.

Tour information

  • Cultural Interesting

  • Familiy-Friendly

  • Loop Road

  • Stop at an Inn


Peter Regli


Region Luzern-Vierwaldstättersee


While on the tour, make sure you visit the abbey and its treasury in Beromünster!

Safety guidelines

No waymarking


Getting there
Cultural route: Sursee-Beromünster-Sursee
6210 Sursee