Flühli - Chessiloch Waterfall




8.59 km long
round trip
Difficulty: medium
condition: easy
Great panorama
  • 02:35 h
  • 8.59 km
  • 259 m
  • 259 m
  • 882 m
  • 1,092 m
  • 210 m
  • Start: Flühli
  • Destination: Chessiloch
Entertaining walk to the waterfall at the Chessiloch suspension bridge

A waterfall in the mysterious realm of sulphur

Today we finally want to see the oft-mentioned Chessiloch waterfall, plus a sulphur spring and an amazing suspension bridge. At the former Kragen glassworks, we dive into the green forest on a pleasantly wide gravel path. The birds are trying to outdo each other with their singing, accompanied by the watery notes of the Seebenbach on the right – isn't nature wonderful! After five minutes, a narrow inconspicuous path branches off to the right, down towards the stream; it's marked with a sign on the left saying "Schwefelquelle" (sulphur spring). The path down to the spring is short but rather steep; it has a handrail. No holding back, now: everyone has to take a gulp of the healthy, sulphurous water, which used to be considered curative. Pinch your nose if necessary.


Picnic spots and viewing platforms

We head back to the gravel path and continue on our way to reach the first viewing platform overlooking a breathtaking water landscape formed by the Rotbach over the centuries. A paradise both for geologists and the eye of the layman. Rampion, campanula, wood cranesbill and other colourful wildflowers line our way and we soon meet a well-appointed barbecue and picnic spot in a clearing. Looking down through the forest reveals another barbecue spot beside the river. There's even a very special toilet here for visitors. Various footpaths can be taken from here, but we're heading for Chessiloch, which is 10 minutes away according to the signpost. The path now continues a little more adventurously up hill and down dale, sometimes even under the roots of a fallen tree. We then catch sight of a beautiful tumbling waterfall crowned with a viewing platform. The view down into the gorge towards the valley is fantastic. Is this the famous Chessiloch waterfall? Then where's the suspension bridge we heard about?


The grandiose Chessiloch waterfall

So we continue heading uphill and soon we come to a wooden suspension bridge stretched over the gorge. Curious, we step onto it; jumping gently up and down makes the whole bridge wobble. But what's that loud noise? At the end of the bridge we let out a big WOW: the sight of the Chessiloch waterfall plunging thunderously x metres into the depths is terrific. We feel a light spray as we stand on the bridge.

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather


Dorf, Flühli - Schlund - Kneippanlage Schwandalpweiher - Schwandalp - Chrageberg - Kragen - Chessiloch - Kragen - Hüttlenen - Dorf, Flühli

Tour information

  • Loop Road


Sturdy footwear and something against the rain.

Directions & Parking facilities

Drive via Schüpfheim to Flühli. Before the Raiffeisenbank turn right and go as far as the car park. Take the Emmen riverside path to reach the described route.

Beim ehemaligen Turnplatz hat es kostenlose Parkplätze zur Verfügung (vor der Raiffeisenbank rechts abbiegen und bis zum Parkplatz fahren).

Train to Schüpfheim, then PostBus 241 to "Flühli Post". To shorten the walk, alight at "Hüttlenen".

Additional information

Sörenberg Flühli Tourismus
Rothornstrasse 21
CH-6174 Sörenberg
Telefon +41 (0)41 488 11 85


Die Wanderung finden Sie in der Wanderpanoramakarte von Sörenberg-Flühli Toruismus. Sie können diese im Broschüren-Shop herunterladen oder bestellen


Sörenberg Flühli Tourismus


UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch

Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author

The path is pushchair-friendly as far as the barbecue spot. The final 20 minutes are fairly rough underfoot.

Safety guidelines

Informationen zum aktuellen Zustand des Wanderwegnetzes von Sörenberg-Flühli erhalten Sie täglich auf der Panoramawanderkarte.  


Getting there

Flühli - Chessiloch Waterfall
6173 Flühli