Freigleis-Horw peninsula




15.63 km long
round trip
difficulty: easy
condition: very easy
Great panorama
racing bike
  • 02:00 h
  • 49 m
  • 49 m
  • 435 m
  • 471 m
  • 36 m
  • 15.63 km
  • start: Lucerne railway station, tourist information office
  • destination: Lucerne railway station, Pier 1 by the lake
Panoramic tour (partly on the "Freigleis" cycle path) around the Horw peninsula with excellent views of the Pilatus, Stanserhorn and Rigi.

We start this panoramic tour in the immediate vicinity of the city of Lucerne at the tourist information office in Lucerne railway station. We ride through the up-and-coming, trendy Neustadt quarter with street names of historical interest such as Murbacherstrasse, Sempacherstrasse, Habsburgerstrasse and Waldstätterstrasse. Coming from Winkelriedstrasse, we cross Bundesstrasse and follow Neustadtstrasse to the "Freigleis" cycle path, which follows the former alignment of the Zentralbahn railway. We follow this cycling and pedestrian highway to the Südpol cultural centre. The construction of the railway tunnel under the Hubelmatthügel and the new lines under the Allmend mean that old railway line became redundant. Its use as a slow traffic axis is a stroke of luck for the growing conglomeration in the south of Lucerne.


We cruise past the exhibition halls, sports facilities and high-rise buildings of the Allmend and between lovingly maintained allotment gardens through to Horw. The streets of the neighbourhood lead loosely through the village and the building activity shows how fast the development of the "village" is progressing. It's important to pay attention to traffic at junctions, especially as much of our time is spent on low-traffic thoroughfares. We now head for the Horw peninsula: passing the Sternen restaurant, we reach the Winkel lido. If anyone feels like cooling off, this is the first opportunity.


Following the road along the lakeshore, we enjoy wonderful views of the Pilatus, Stanserhorn and Bürgenstock. Along the lake we encounter numerous bathing places, which are popular in the summer. We now move away from the lake and gain some height. It's worth pausing for a refreshment or a snack at the Seehotel Kastanienbaum: the terrace offers stunning views of Lake Lucerne.


Insider tip for hot summer days: at the highest point of the climb after the Seehotel Kastanienbaum, you might like to turn off into the public park of the Villa Krämerstein and indulge in a dip in the cooling waters of the lake. The tour continues with a series of ups and downs. The imposing villas form a marked contrast to the agricultural areas and farms along the road. The increasing density of the buildings indicates that we're approaching the city precincts. Passing the Schönbühl shopping centre we reach the last small climb: this hill is home to the Richard Wagner Museum. On the next descent, keep your eyes open for the turn-off to the right. We're trying to ride as close to the lake as possible. Ufschötti park offers a final excellent opportunity for cooling off in Lake Lucerne.


We conclude our panoramic tour of the Horw peninsula with a trip around the wharfs and the KKL Luzern on our return to Lucerne railway station. The LUZ bistro at Pier 1 is the perfect place for a refreshing and relaxing drink.


Best season

depending on the weather


Lucerne - Horw - Horw peninsula - Kastanienbaum - Lucerne

Tour information

  • Barrier-Free

  • Familiy-Friendly

  • Loop Road

  • Stop at an Inn


  • From the  A2 motorway : follow the signs to "Bahnhof Luzern" then "Parkhaus Frohburg" (multi-storey car park

  • From the "Luzern/Kriens" motorway exit, follow the signs to "Allmend" and park there. Then take an S-Bahn suburban train to Lucerne (two-minute trip)

  • Or start the tour at the Allmend

Frohburg multi-storey car park

Station parking

Allmend car parks

Train to Lucerne, head for west side of station and the tourist information office.


Luzern Tourismus AG


Region Luzern-Vierwaldstättersee


The public park attached to the Villa Krämerstein is a good place to pause and enjoy a swim in a picturesque setting.


Getting there
Freigleis-Horw peninsula
6003 Luzern