From Stoos to Muotatal




14.31 km long
Difficulty: medium
condition: medium
Great panorama
  • 04:48 h
  • 14.31 km
  • 536 m
  • 1,375 m
  • 608 m
  • 1,621 m
  • 1,013 m
  • Start: Mountain station funicular Schwyz-Stoos
  • Destination: Muotathal
Hike from the car-free mountain village of Stoos through wild and romantic areas into the Muotathal.

We cross the village Stoos on the way to Wannentritt - Muotathal. At the last houses choose like the turn-off direction "Holibrig" to gain height for the first time and to let the view wander into the distance. During the first part of the hike, the Mythen dominate the panorama. After the Alp Metzg the signpost "Rinderchruteren" leads us down to the Chruterenwald. Here the forest is a striking contrast to the gentle alpine pastures. As a result of the soil, which is strongly interspersed with karst rocks, the forest has been preserved because it was not suitable for clearing alpine pastures.At Alp Bärhalten, a look back offers a magnificent panorama over the Stoos Alps and forwards into the Muota Valley. The trail continues over the Füdlen Alps and the Laubgarten to the Wannentritt, again and again with changing views. From the Wannentritt we can see the impressive Chaiserstock chain. The soft terrain of the Stoos Alps is replaced by the rugged limestone cliffs.Down into the valley we choose the path north around the Schwarzstock. Through the shady forest we reach the Höch Weidli, a natural balcony overlooking the Muota valley. Shortly below we experience for the first time the different topography of the terrain while crossing a rock band. Before the construction of the alpine and forest roads, these used to be the connecting roads between alpine settlements and the village. At Frutt we decide again for an old connecting path between the settlements and choose the hiking route over the Wissenwand to the lower Flüelen in the valley. The impressive path through the Feldbänder from the Unter Wissenwand used to be the school route of the Wissenwand Kinder!

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather


Stoos Bergstation - Metzg - Füdlen - Wannentritt - Höch Weidli - Muotathal

Tour information

  • Nature Highlight

  • Stop at an Inn

  • Summit


Hiking boots with good profile or trekking boots, rain jacket, drink, food, possibly sticks.

Directions & Parking facilities

By car on the A4 to the Schwyz exit, then in the direction of Muotathal to the valley station of the large Schwyz-Stoos funicular or by car turn onto Morschacherstrasse (at Wolfsprung), then follow the signs to Morschach and continue to the valley station of the small Morschach-Stoos aerial cableway.
Parking is available at the valley station of the Schwyz-Stoos funicular and the Morschach-Stoos aerial cableway.
By train to Schwyz-Seewen station, then by bus to the valley station of the large Schwyz-Stoos cable car (line 501 Schwyz - Muotathal) or by train to SBB Brunnen station, then by bus to the valley station of the small Morschach-Stoos cable car.

Additional information

Stoosbahnen AG, 041 818 08 08


Wanderkarte der Region Stoos-Muotatal (Erhältlich an allen Stationen der Stoosbahnen).


Stoos-Muotatal Tourismus


Stoos-Muotatal Tourismus GmbH

Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author

A stop in the cosy Muotatal with various attractions.

Safety guidelines

Follow the signs to the valley.


Getting there

From Stoos to Muotatal
6443 Morschach