Fürstein - a walk between Waldemme and Lake Sarnen




9.34 km long
round trip
Difficulty: difficult
condition: easy
Great panorama
  • 03:40 h
  • 9.34 km
  • 710 m
  • 690 m
  • 1,329 m
  • 2,039 m
  • 710 m
  • Start: Flühli, Stäldeli alp car park
  • Destination: Flühli, Stäldeli alp car park
This mountain walk on the Fürstein leads through the wonderful scenery of the UNESCO Biosphere Entlebuch and Obwalden.

Every step up the Fürstein (alt. 2040 m) is a pleasure. From the Stäldeli alp in Flühli the route climbs towards Lake Seewen. The path is in good condition and passes in and out of the unique moorland terrain. Little Lake Seewen with its chapel is a good spot for a brief break. The ascent to Fürstein begins here. The summit offers stunning panoramic views from the Pilatus in the northeast to the Bernese Alps in the southwest. From Fürstein the path leads steeply downwards through sheep pastures and, initially, very rough terrain to Wasserfallenegg. Here you leave the ridge and head towards little Lake Änggenlauenen. From there the path passes through woods and meadows in gently sloping terrain towards your starting point, Stäldeli.

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather


Stäldeli alp car park - Lake Seewen - Fürstein - Wasserfallenegg - Stäldeli alp car park

Tour information

  • Loop Road


Sturdy footwear. Picnic recommended.

Directions & Parking facilities

The UNESCO Biosphere Entlebuch is in the heart of Switzerland halfway between the two major tourist destinations of Bern and Lucerne. On leaving Flühli, follow signs for Städeli.
Car parking at the Stäldeli alp is free.
This walk is not accessible via public transport.

Additional information

UNESCO Biosphere Entlebuch
Biosphere Centre
Chloschterbüel 28
CH-6170 Schüpfheim
Telephone: +41 (0)41 485 88 50


Die Broschüre «Wandern» mit vielen interessanten Wandervorschläge erhalten Sie bei Sörenberg Flühli Tourismus oder im Broschüren-Shop auf www.soereneberg.ch



UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch


UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch

Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author

  • Break ay Lake Seewen.

  • Dip your feet in Lake Änggelauenen.

  • Food available at the Stäldeli alp.

Safety guidelines

Steep, at times rough, path between Fürstein and Wasserfallen.


Offizielle Karte der Schweizer Wanderwege 1:33'333 «Napf-Sörenberg», ISBN-Nummer 978-3-302-33321-2


Getting there

Fürstein - a walk between Waldemme and Lake Sarnen
6173 Flühli