How would you like to arrive?
- 02:39 h
- 70 m
- 71 m
- 464 m
- 531 m
- 67 m
- 10.30 km
- Start: Hochdorf, Bahnhof
- Destination: Hitzkirch, Bahnhof
You start in the village of Hitzkirch. The path passes below the Kaiserspanestate's vineyards to Heidegg Castle, where there's a magnificent viewof the lake and mountains to be had. The castle's open between Apriland October: set aside enough time for a visit – it really is worth it. Afterdescending from the castle to the village, the path continues flat alongsidelovely, unspoilt Lake Baldegg until you reach Hochdorf some 2½ hours later.
Good to know
Best to visit
Hochdorf - Baldegg - Gelfingen - Schloss Heidegg - Hitzkirch
Tour information
Stop at an Inn
Directions & Parking facilities
Mit der S9 nach Hochdorf. Rückfahrt ab Hitzkirch, Bahnhof.
Additional information
Niederlenzerstrasse 25
5600 Lenzburg
+41 (0)41 920 45 29
[email protected]
Seetal Tourismus
Seetal Tourismus
Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author
Besuchen Sie das Schloss Heidegg und den schönen Rosengarten. Achtung Öffnungszeiten beachten: (April - Oktober geöffnet. Montag immer geschlossen.)
Landeskarte 1:25'000 (Bundesamt für Landestopografie swisstopo) Blatt Hitzkirch und Hochdorf
Wanderkarte 1:50'000 (Bundesamt für Landestopografie swisstopo) Blatt Zürich und Rotkreuz