Marbach tourist office
Dorfstrasse 61
CH-6196 Marbach
Tel. +41 34 493 38 04\n
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7.93534"},"author":{"@type":["Organization"],"name":" UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch","url":"","address":{"@type":"PostalAddress"}},"dateCreated":"2023-08-12T07:59:00+02:00","dateModified":"2025-02-12T06:47:00+01:00","keywords":"robots_noindex,Organisation_UNESCO_Biosphäre_Entlebuch,Author_UNESCO_Biosphäre_Entlebuch,import_source_oa-luzern-entlebuch,import_sourceid_23435727","provider":{"@type":["Organization"],"identifier":["100287718"],"name":"","url":""},"sourceOrganization":{"@type":["Organization"],"name":" UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch","url":"","address":{"@type":"PostalAddress"}},"url":""}
For the first ascent, take the Bretzeli cableway from Marbach to Marbachegg. Start by enjoying the incredible views of the myth-laden Schrattenfluh, the Hohgant and the white-powdered Bernese Alps in between. After a refreshments at the Marbachegg guest house, pass the Spichersee lake and head for Ober Lochsitli (towards Wittenfären - Chadhus). At the left turn to Alp Imbrig, stay on the Ober Habchegg alp, where the Josef Lötscher family has an alp restaurant. From there you head towards Lauizug and on to Schibenhüttli. A steep, stony path leads on via Ober Chemmeri and Unter Chemmeri to the valley floor of the Grosse Emme river. The Kemmeriboden-Bad guest house here serves glorious meringues from a charcoal oven. You return to the starting point by PostBus.
You can also start the hike in Marbach and climb the Marbachegg.
Good to know
Best to visit
Tour information
Mountain Railway Tour
Stop at an Inn
Directions & Parking facilities
Die UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch liegt im Herzen der Schweiz, zentral zwischen Bern und Luzern. Sie erreichen Marbach über die Hauptstrasse 10 Richtung Wiggen. Von Thun erreichen Sie Marbach über den Schallenberg.
Planen Sie Ihre Route mit Hilfe des Google Routenplaners.
Additional information
Die Sommer-Panoramakarte "Wandern" mit vielen interessanten Wandervorschläge rund um Marbach erhalten Sie unter: Escholzmatt-Marbach Tourismus
Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author
Safety guidelines