Over the Schlierengrat




10.37 km long
round trip
Difficulty: medium
condition: easy
Great panorama
  • 03:16 h
  • 10.37 km
  • 419 m
  • 419 m
  • 1,397 m
  • 1,718 m
  • 321 m
  • Start: Restaurant Langis
  • Destination: Restaurant Langis
This wonderful round walk in the largest continuous stretch of moorland in Switzerland is notable for its views and the diversity of its flora.

From the Berghotel Langis, the path leads over a small rise to Schwendi-Kaltbad. Now it climbs straight ahead, past the Andresenhütte refuge and through the forest up to the Schlierengrat ridge to the Bärnerstig. From there, the Schlierengrat leads gently up and down northwards through blueberry bushes and past gnarled pines and spruces. After about three quarters of an hour of walking, you reach the signpost pointing the way down to Rorersmatt, where there is a change of direction towards the south. Via Bärzopf, a pasture path leads through a stream ditch over fens down to the little Schlierental road. Finally, the path follows the Grosse Schliere past several barbecue spots to Schwendi-Kaltbad. The Bergrestaurant Schwendi-Kaltbad is a good place to stop off for a bite to eat. You return to Langis over the slight rise and along the edge of protected moor pools.

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather

Tour information

  • Loop Road

Directions & Parking facilities

Car: on leaving the village, turn into Schwanderstrasse at the roundabout and continue to Langis. PostBus: runs weekends only.
The Langis is easy to reach by car or PostBus. Browsing for "Langis" will take you to the current timetable.


Obwalden Tourismus


Obwalden Tourismus

Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author

Noted for its grill and cheese specialities, the Schwendi-Kaltbad restaurant (alt. 1444 m) is nestled in enchanting alpine scenery in the wild and romantic Schlieren valley, which is in the Langis-Glaubenberg region.

Safety guidelines

Durch das Moorgebiet weist diese Tour einige sehr nasse Stellen auf. Es empfielt sich, die Wanderung nach längeren Trockenperioden zu absolvieren. Bei schlechtem Wetter und nassen Verhältnissen, muss mit erschwertem Terrain gerechnet werden.


Getting there

Over the Schlierengrat
6063 Schwendi