Rothenthurm time-out trail - Powerful time out




6.48 km long
round trip
Difficulty: easy
condition: very easy
Theme trail
  • 02:05 h
  • 6.48 km
  • 309 m
  • 310 m
  • 922 m
  • 1,231 m
  • 309 m
  • Start: Rothenthurm
  • Destination: Rothenthurm
The Rothenthurm time-out trail is entirely dedicated to inner strength. Hikers will find peace and serenity on this long walk through the forest.

The Auszeithweg begins at Rothenthurm railway station and quickly leads past the houses into the tranquillity of the forest. The first invitation to pause for a moment comes at the Bruder Klaus Chapel. You can take a moment to reflect in the small chapel and there is a yoga and meditation area just above it.

Inspiration for inner strength

In this way, the path leads under the canopy of leaves, with each step helping the hiker to become more centred. Sporadically, boards along the way provide impulses to immerse yourself in the here and now with all your senses. After about two hours of walking - of course you can take considerably longer - the path slowly turns back into the rows of houses in the upper village.

Strengthened by a power pack

The perfect culinary accompaniment is the Krafthpaket, which can be purchased at the Kronenmetzg. There are various benches along the way where you can enjoy a refreshment and rest.

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather


Rothenthurm 920 m.ü.M - Bruder Klaus Kapelle, Kreuzegg 1064 m.ü.M - 1211 m.ü.M - Biberstock - Rothenthurm 920 m.ü.M 

Tour information

  • Loop Road

  • Nature Highlight


Shoes with good tread or trekking shoes, rain jacket, drink, food, possibly poles.

Directions & Parking facilities

From Pfäffikon SZ or Schwyz via the H8 to Rothenthurm.
Paid car park close to the church.
Rothenthurm is very easy to reach by public transport.

The SBB/Südostbahn (SOB) railway runs every half hour from Zurich to Rothenthurm.

The "Voralpen-Express" (Romanshorn - Lucerne line) runs every hour from eastern Switzerland and the greater Lucerne area to Rothenthurm.

Additional information

Rothenthurm Tourismus:

Adventure Region Mythen:


Erlebnisregion Mythen


Schwyzer Wanderwege

Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author

Did you know that Rothenthurm is located in the largest raised bog in Switzerland? 


Getting there

Rothenthurm time-out trail - Powerful time out
6418 Rothenthurm