Stäfeli Engelberg




18.11 km long
difficulty: easy
condition: very easy
Great panorama
  • 02:08 h
  • 416 m
  • 416 m
  • 1,000 m
  • 1,416 m
  • 416 m
  • 18.11 km
  • start: Engelberg train station
  • destination: Stäfeli
This tour takes bikers into another world. The Niedersurenen valley of the Engelberger Aa leads quietly and almost mysteriously along towards the Surenen pass. Always the massive Spannörter with their special form before your eyes.

The Engelberg railway station is the starting point of the Engelberg-Stäfeli tour. The train starts in the direction of Engelbergerstrasse, where you turn left at the crossroads. The first part goes along this road, past the Sportingpark and the monastery. At the second junction, keep right and turn into Oberbergstrasse. Still flat and on tar you cycle between the last houses of Engelberg. At the end of the houses, the base changes to gravel and the path becomes narrower. If you are calm, you can hear the noise from far away, which slowly becomes a roar. It comes from the waterfall that gives the name to the restaurant on the right side of the road. Passing the valley station of the Führenalpbahn, one initially drives on a tarred road. Soon the road climbs and you are ready to pedal. The valley becomes narrower and after about 1.5km the road forks and becomes a natural road. If it weren't for the noise of the Engelberger Aa, the river that accompanies the bikers on the whole way, it would be almost incredibly quiet and one is almost happy when the restaurant Alpenrösli, hidden by fir trees, appears in front of you. A stop is recommended here. Not only because Bergeizli is known for its Rösti and the good desserts. One should also relax one's legs before the last, short but steep ascent to Stäfeli, the intermediate destination of the route. Resting, you take the last stage under your wheels. With the imposing Spannörter before your eyes, the somewhat coarse gravel and the steep road demand everything from you again. Arriving at the Stäfeli mountain restaurant, the cosy terrace awaits the pumped-out bikers. Tip: If you sign the alp's guestbook, you automatically take part in a raffle with nice prizes at the end of the bike season. Return to Engelberg on the other side of the river. Once again really pedalling and then it's all along the water back to the village. The path crossed by roots is technically more demanding than the outward path but easy to drive. Only at the crossing of the small glacial streams you have to get off the bike for a short time. Shortly before the Fürenalp valley station, the path turns back into the tarred road and leads back to the starting point of the tour via the waterfall road.


Best season

depending on the weather



Tour information

  • Barrier-Free

  • Stop at an Inn


Engelberg’s bike shops have a wide range of bikes and cycling accessories for sale or hire. It’s also worth stopping by if your bike is in need of repairs or replacement parts.


By car you drive on the A2 (Basel-Gotthard) to Stans Süd, then on the main road 20 km to Engelberg. Engelberg is 30 minutes from Lucerne, 1 hour and 15 minutes from Basel, Zurich or Bern.
Parking spaces are available in Engelberg for a fee.
National and international connections (from Zurich airport connections every half hour with approx. 1h travel time) to Lucerne.Afterwards with the Zentralbahn in 43 minutes through varied landscape and gorges up to Engelberg.

Additional information


Engelberg - Titlis Tourismus


Engelberg-Titlis Tourismus


Stop at Restaurant Stäfeli. Enter your name in the guestbook and automatically take part in a raffle with nice prizes at the end of the bike season.


Getting there
Stäfeli Engelberg
6390 Engelberg