Stoos ridge hike




10.21 km long
Difficulty: difficult
condition: difficult
Great panorama
  • 03:00 h
  • 10.21 km
  • 928 m
  • 924 m
  • 1,289 m
  • 1,927 m
  • 638 m
  • Start: Mountain station chair lift Klingenstock
  • Destination: Mountain station chair lift Fronalpstock
The narrow but well-built Stoos ridge walk offers a 360-degree view. Ten Swiss lakes and countless alpine peaks of central Switzerland are visible to the eye.

The steepest funicular in the world takes you to the car-free mountain village of Stoos. A chairlift takes you to the starting point of the hike - the Klingenstock. Of course, the ascent is also possible on foot. Those who set off in a westerly direction to the Rot Turm and Nollen should be sure-footed and free from vertigo. Far below, Lake Lucerne accompanies the hike over the ridge to the Huserstock. Then it's zigzagging down to the Furggeli on the mountain path hewn into the rock and secured with chains. The last ascent is the steepest, from the alpine hut at Furggeli up to the summit of Fronalpstock. If your heart began to pound a little harder during the uphill hike, at the summit the view of the mountain and lake world takes your breath away. On the terrace of the highest restaurant in the canton, you can relax and let the view continue to take effect. The chairlift takes you back to the mountain village of Stoos. If you still like, you can also hike down.

The hike is classified according to the difficulty level T3 of the SAC scale. For the walk, good hiking equipment, surefootedness, shoes with non-slip soles and good physical condition are strongly recommended. The trail is secured with chains from about the beginning of June (as soon as there is no more snow) until about the beginning of November. As long as there is snow, we advise against this hike for safety reasons.

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather


Klingenstock 1935 m - Rot Turm 1852 m - Huser Stock 1904 m - Furggeli 1782 m - Fronalpstock 1922 m

Tour information

  • Mountain Railway Tour

  • Nature Highlight

  • Stop at an Inn

  • Summit


Good hiking boots with good profile or trekking boots, rain jacket, drink, food, possibly sticks.

Directions & Parking facilities

If driving, take the A4 to the Schwyz exit, then follow the signs for Muotathal as far as the lower terminus of the large Schwyz-Stoos funicular railway; alternatively, turn onto Morschacherstrasse (at Wolfsprung), then follow the signs to Morschach and continue to the lower terminus of the small Morschach-Stoos aerial cableway.
Parking is available at the lower termini of the Schwyz-Stoos funicular and Morschach-Stoos aerial cableway.
By train to Schwyz-Seewen station, then by bus to the valley station of the large Schwyz-Stoos cable car (line 1 Schwyz - Muotathal) or by train to SBB Brunnen station, then by bus to the valley station of the small Morschach-Stoos cable car.

Additional information

An association takes care of the maintenance and the associated security on the way. Sprightly seniors work on an honorary basis with the goal that the way is accessible also for families and seniors. The association is mainly financed by donations. More information can be found in the brochure here.

Stoosbahnen AG: 041 818 08 08

The Klingenstock lift operates weather permitting; the Fronalpstock lift operates daily in the high season and at weekends (weather permitting) in the low season.


At the stations from the Stoos railways there are free brochures with information to the Ridge Hiking Trail Stoos:

Adventure Map Stoos, Hiking Map Stoos-Muotatal, Brochure Ridge Hiking Trail Stoos


Stoos-Muotatal Tourismus / Schwyzer Wanderwege


Schwyzer Wanderwege

Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author

Frönelis playground & petting zoo on the Fronalpstock.

The ridge hiking trail is also suitable for families. Here to a blog from a guest.

Safety guidelines

The hike is classified according to the difficulty level T3 of the SAC scale. For the walk, good hiking equipment, surefootedness, shoes with non-slip soles and good physical condition are strongly recommended. The trail is secured with chains from about the beginning of June (as soon as there is no more snow) until about the beginning of November. As long as there is snow, we advise against this hike for safety reasons.


In the Regio Shop at the railway station from the funicular, you can buy a Hiking Map from Schwyz:

To the Webshop


Getting there

Stoos ridge hike
6443 Morschach