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Tourismus","url":"","address":{"@type":"PostalAddress"}},"dateCreated":"2023-07-21T12:46:00+02:00","dateModified":"2025-03-22T00:59:00+01:00","keywords":"robots_noindex,Organisation_Nidwalden_Tourismus,Author_Nidwalden_Tourismus,NWT_Kulinarische Wanderungen,NWT_Wanderung,import_source_oa-luzern-regionenportal,import_sourceid_45601828","provider":{"@type":["Organization"],"identifier":["100286064"],"name":"","url":""},"sourceOrganization":{"@type":["Organization"],"name":" Nidwalden Tourismus","url":"","address":{"@type":"PostalAddress"}},"url":""}All kinds of walks can be planned in the Lake Trüb area, such as from the Titlis-Xpress terminus directly up to the Joch Pass. Another route via Rossboden and along Lake Trüb takes you to the little Älplerseil cableway: this brings you down to Untertrübsee, where you can buy alp cheese before your return to Engelberg.
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