The Älplerseil cableway tour




11.26 km long
round trip
Difficulty: medium
condition: medium
  • 04:10 h
  • 11.26 km
  • 450 m
  • 1,239 m
  • 995 m
  • 2,209 m
  • 1,214 m
  • Start: Trübsee (Engelberg)
  • Destination: Engelberg, station
Lake Trüb (Engelberg) – Jochpass – Obertrübsee – Untertrübsee – Engelberg

All kinds of walks can be planned in the Lake Trüb area, such as from the Titlis-Xpress terminus directly up to the Joch Pass. Another route via Rossboden and along Lake Trüb takes you to the little Älplerseil cableway: this brings you down to Untertrübsee, where you can buy alp cheese before your return to Engelberg.

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather


Take the Titlis-Xpress from Engelberg to the Lake Trüb terminus, then go down to the water's edge where rowing boats can be hired. For the children, there's a new "Smugglers & Mule Drivers" adventure playground. Walkers set off for the Joch Pass from here. Other paths lead to the western shore of Lake Trüb and along the water's edge to the little Älplerseil aerial cableway which travels down to the Untertrübsee alp, where footpaths lead to Engelberg railway station.

Tour information

  • Loop Road

  • Mountain Railway Tour

Directions & Parking facilities

By train to Engelberg

Additional information

More information:
Nidwalden Tourismus
Bahnhofplatz 2
6370 Stans
+41 41 610 88 33

Visit for more gastronomy from Nidwalden.

Nidwalden recipes to try out:


Nidwalden Tourismus


Nidwalden Tourismus

Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author

At the Bärghuis Jochpass serves the best Gschlabber, a dessert featuring raspberry and quark.


Getting there

The Älplerseil cableway tour
6386 Wolfenschiessen