Access for people with disabilitiesThe SGG is working with the Federal Office for Buildings and Logistics to make the Rütli wheelchair-accessible. Various structural measures are being examined together with the cantonal monument preservation authorities. At the moment, wheelchair users are still dependent on their own carers to push the wheelchair from the jetty to the Rütlihaus and the Rütli meadow. The Swisstrac wheelchair pulling device is also helpful.
The ascent from the Rütli boat station to the Rütli meadow is suitable for pushchairs. A section from Seelisberg railway station in the direction of Bauen is also suitable for pushchairs (Seelisberg - Marienhöhe - Wyssig).
Swiss Path
The Swiss Path is based on a far-sighted vision: it should be an example of how to treat nature with care and remain a modest meeting place. The mountains, the lake and the magnificent views are still its defining elements today.
You can find out all about the Swiss Path at
Cradle of Switzerland
The Swiss Path takes you through the homeland of William Tell. Along the way, you will meet witnesses to history and encounter heroic myths. You can explore different images of Switzerland and rediscover your own image of Switzerland.
You can find out all about the ‘Cradle of Switzerland’ adventure region at