Turren - Schönbüel




8.14 km long
Difficulty: difficult
condition: difficult
Great panorama
  • 03:31 h
  • 8.14 km
  • 508 m
  • 509 m
  • 1,513 m
  • 2,012 m
  • 499 m
  • Start: Turren cableway terminus
  • Destination: Turren cableway terminus
The secluded arena of the Üsseri Alp, the beautifully situated Bärghuis Schönbüel and the sleepy collection of huts at Breitenfeld - all this makes for a unique snowshoeing experience.

Thanks to the favourable start and finish altitude at the Bergrestaurant Turren (alt. 1550 m), this trail often boasts views above the fog line. After distant views into Lungern valley floor, you follow the snow-covered alp road southwest around Finsterbüel. At Chuematt, the winter footpath and snowshoe trail separate. The latter leads over the Fritte, which allows a safe crossing of the steeply sloping Lauibachtobel stream.

Soon the extensive Usseri Alp invites you to make a leisurely ascent to the Tüfengrat. Together with the Scheidegg, this forms the cantonal border between Obwalden and Bern. At the lowest point, an impressive view of Lake Brienz awaits. As if in a white arena, the snowshoe trail now runs eastwards again in a large arc up to the Bärghuis Schönbüel (alt. 2020 m.), which is visible from afar. After the last steep ascent, you have earned a rest.

The path leads back along the former ski slope through the picturesque huts of Breitenfeld, which is where the herdsmen managing one of the loveliest and largest Obwald high alps live in summer. During the descent, it is worth taking a final breather at the Lueg, a strategic military vantage point during medieval border disputes.

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather

Additional information

Snow report:
Up-to-date snow conditions: Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research (SLF) website

The route is signposted in one direction in accordance with ASTRA/Schweizer Wanderwege/bfu guidelines: Turren-Tüfengrat-Schönbüel-Turren


Obwalden Tourismus


Obwalden Tourismus


Getting there

Turren - Schönbüel
6078 Lungern