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Tourismus","url":"","address":{"@type":"PostalAddress"}},"dateCreated":"2023-07-21T12:45:00+02:00","dateModified":"2025-02-11T20:37:00+01:00","keywords":"robots_noindex,Organisation_Nidwalden_Tourismus,Author_Nidwalden_Tourismus,NWT_Panorama-Wanderung,NWT_Wanderung,Organisation_Region_Luzern-Vierwaldstättersee,ltag_touring_see,ltag_touring_see_nidwalden_jo,ltag_touring_see_nidwalden_kris,ltag_touring_see_wanderung,ltag_touring_see_wanderung_jo,ltag_touring_see_wanderung_kris,ltag_touring_see_wanderung_nidwalden_jo,ltag_touring_see_wanderung_nidwalden_kris,import_source_oa-luzern-nidwalden,import_sourceid_33623658","provider":{"@type":["Organization"],"identifier":["100286048"],"name":"","url":""},"sourceOrganization":{"@type":["Organization"],"name":" Nidwalden Tourismus","url":"","address":{"@type":"PostalAddress"}},"url":""}At the beginning and end of this panoramic hike we take the cable car to Bannalp or from Ristis down to Engelberg. But not all differences in altitude have been overcome yet: 561 metres of ascent and 671 metres of descent have to be mastered on the well-secured mountain path - a unique alpine experience for (almost) everyone.
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Eine gute Ausrüstung inkl. Regen- und Wärmeschutz ist empfohlen.
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