WanderWunder Schwyz: old village part Wil to the sunnyside of Muotathal




4.62 km long
round trip
Difficulty: easy
condition: very easy
  • 01:20 h
  • 4.62 km
  • 143 m
  • 143 m
  • 610 m
  • 753 m
  • 143 m
  • Start: Schoolhouse Muota
  • Destination: Schoolhouse Muota
Along the wild waters of the Muota to scattered farms and past culturally and historically valuable buildings back to the starting point in the Wyl.

From the village part Wyl you follow the hiking trail on the south bank of the Muota. Passing the historic monastery of St. Josef, the path leads you to the "Gampälistäg", which brings you to the other side of the Muota. You stay on this bank of the Muota and then follow the road towards Stalden / Pragel. Shortly before the bridge over the wild Teufbach you leave the pavement and follow the gravel road uphill. A bench at the edge of the forest invites you to linger a while before you follow the tarred road slowly back towards the village. The southern slope is not called sunnyside for nothing and is often used as a walking path. From the hamlet of Hoftrog with its well-kept Schwyz farmhouses, the path leads along the road back to Wyl. Don't forget to take a look at the culturally valuable baroque church of St. Sigismund before you relax with cake and coffee.


*machine translated

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather


Schoolhouse Muota - "Gampelistäg" - Teufbach - Hoftrog - Wyl - Schoolhouse Muota 

Tour information

  • Loop Road

  • Stop at an Inn


Good hiking boots with a good profile or trekking shoes, rain jacket, drink, food, possibly poles.

Directions & Parking facilities

Verlassen Sie die Autobahn bei der Ausfahrt Schwyz und folgen Sie der Beschilderung Richtung Muotathal.
Beim Schulhaus Muota hat es einen grossen Parkplatz der kostenlos benutzt werden kann.

Mit dem Zug nach Schwyz und weiter mit dem direkten Bus Nr. 1 bis zur Bushaltestelle Muotathal, Post.

Von dort ein kleiner Fussmarsch zum Schulhaus Muota.

Additional information

In Muotathal various specialities are offered. The valley is famous for its alpine cheese (available in various village shops).


Stefan Gwerder


Schwyzer Wanderwege

Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author

  • Franciscan Monastery Franz Josef  

  • Suvorov


Getting there

WanderWunder Schwyz: old village part Wil to the sunnyside of Muotathal
6436 Muotathal