Wilen am Sarnsee - Luzern




34.11 km long
difficulty: easy
condition: very easy
Great panorama
  • 02:21 h
  • 38 m
  • 117 m
  • 434 m
  • 514 m
  • 80 m
  • 34.11 km
  • start: Seehotel Wilerbad Seminar & Spa, Wilen am Sarnersee
  • destination: Schweizerhof Luzern


Best season

depending on the weather


A few minutes' drive will take you to the picturesque village square of Sarnen. It is surrounded by old houses. In the middle of it, how could it be called anything else: the Brother Klaus Fountain from 1608. The 16th century guild house and the baroque town hall, which has represented the canton of Obwalden for 600 years, are also remarkable. There is even more cantonal history in the Historical Museum in Sarnen, which also stands for folklore, customs, arts and crafts. The route leads directly past it. Along the Sarner Aa you reach the small Wichelsee. The reservoir is a nature reserve and provides a retreat for many birds. In Alpnachstad, the world's steepest cogwheel railway, with a gradient of up to 48 percent, has been leading up to the 2128-metre-high Pilatus in the heart of Switzerland since 1889. Also in the heart of Switzerland is Lake Alpnach, a branch of Lake Lucerne. Always along the water, in an archaic and geologically interesting area, you reach the glassblowing village of Hergiswil. In the Glasi Hergiswil you can watch the glassblowers blowing glass. From a bird's-eye view a cross, along the lake a no less tricky thing: Lake Lucerne. Passing pretty bathing spots, you reach Lucerne, the social and cultural centre of Central Switzerland. With the Chapel and Reuss bridges, water tower, KKL (Culture and Congress Centre), Transport Museum, picturesque old town, nearby Mount Pilatus and the Rigi (Queen of the Mountains), it is one of the most beautiful and popular cities in Switzerland.

Tour information

  • Barrier-Free


Private Selection Hotels & Tours


Private Selection Hotels


Getting there
Wilen am Sarnsee - Luzern
6062 Oberwilen