Willisau to Menzberg facing the sun




13.69 km long
Difficulty: medium
condition: medium
Great panorama
  • 04:00 h
  • 13.69 km
  • 535 m
  • 73 m
  • 554 m
  • 1,089 m
  • 535 m
  • Start: Willisau railway station
  • Destination: Menzberg village
A hike towards the sun from the historic little town of Willisau over the delightful Napf hills to the generally fog-free village of Menzberg.

From the Old Town, the trail leads past the bailiff's castle and through the sports facilities towards Chalchtaren. Awaiting you after a steep climb are lovely views of the varied Napf foothills. Your hike takes you along one of the many ridges of one of these foothills via Mettenberg over a delightful plateau to Mörisegg, a former retirement home. At alt. 950 m you arrive at the distinctive St. Joder chapel, known locally as «Tioderchäppeli». Soon after this comes the highest point of the hike, the Oberlehn. To the southwest stands a lime tree on a prominent hill with seating and an information board that describes the panorama and geographical features. Menzberg, the highest village on the Napf with some 600 inhabitants, soon hoves into view. The Hotel Kurhaus serves an excellent meal before the postbus to Menznau brings you to the railway station.


Willisau railway station
© Willisau Tourismus, Willisau Tourismus
Old Town of Willisau
Historic Old Town
Menzberg village

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather


The path is well signposted and takes in Vorberg, Mörisegg, Underskapf, St. Joder, Oberlehn and Menzberg.

Tour information

  • Stop at an Inn


Sturdy footwear and something against the rain.

Directions & Parking facilities

Willisau can be reached by motorway via Dagmersellen / Sursee.
Fee-paying parking is available at Willisau railway station.
Willisau can be reached by train. The return journey from Menzberg is by postbus to Menznau for train services to Willisau and Lucerne.

Additional information

Fahrplan SBB

Fahrplan Postauto

Wie ist das Wetter? Hier geht es zu den Webcams.


Willisau Tourismus


Willisau Tourismus

Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author

The little detour to the lime tree on the Oberlehn is highly recommended for the fabulous panoramic view it offers!


Getting there

Willisau to Menzberg facing the sun
6130 Willisau