ALP’24 - Internationaler Wettbewerb & Degustationsmarkt alpine Regionalprodukte



International competition and tasting market for regional Alpine products at the CULINARIUM ALPINUM in Stans/NW.
From November 8 - 10, 2024, CULINARIUM ALPINUM is inviting all seven Alpine countries to Stans for the first time. Producers from Germany, France, Italy, Liechtenstein, Austria, Slovenia and Switzerland will be able to present their products to a jury of experts in five categories and be awarded precious metal.

At a forum on November 8, 2024, experts will speak on the topic of "Regional products as drivers of development in the Alps". The aim of this first forum is to establish an active network for regular dialog and exchange. Following the forum, the "Cercle régional" award will be presented. This is awarded to a region that has successfully networked production with the catering and hotel industry using regional products.

On the weekend of November 9 and 10, 2024, market visitors will have the opportunity to taste and buy products from the Alpine region at stands throughout the former monastery. On Saturday evening, 9 November 2024, the producers will be honored for their excellent products. 17 points are required for a bronze medal, 18 points for a silver medal and 19-20 points for a gold medal. The "Prix d'Excellence" goes to the best product in each category.

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.


Friday, the 08.11.2024

10:00 - 17:00

Saturday, the 09.11.2024

10:00 - 17:00

Sunday, the 10.11.2024

10:00 - 17:00

Good to know

Price info

Forum: CHF 80 per person
Competition: CHF 50 per product
Market: free of charge

Contact person

Mürgstrasse 18
6370 Stans


Getting there
ALP’24 - Internationaler Wettbewerb & Degustationsmarkt alpine Regionalprodukte
Mürgstrasse 18
6370 Stans