Backyard Ultra



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Welcome to the first edition of the Engelberg Backyard Race! This unique event, hosted by Ski Lodge Engelberg and The Mountain Studio, is a new interpretation of the classic Backyard Ultra Race format. Whether you're an experienced ultra runner or taking on a bigger running challenge for the first time, this event will allow you to test your limits, have fun with like-minded people and set new personal records.

The race format
The format of the Engelberg Backyard Race is simple but demanding. Participants tackle a 6.7 km loop every hour, starting every hour on the hour. The aim is to complete each loop within the allotted time before the next one begins. The race continues until no runner can complete the loop within the hour. This format requires not only physical endurance, but also strategic timing and mental strength.

Race variants: Something for every taste
In order to cater to the different performance levels and personal goals of the runners, we offer two different variants: the race variant and the collector variant.

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Dates overview

Saturday, the 17.08.2024



Contact person

Erlenweg 36 6390 Engelberg
Erlenweg 36
6390 Engelberg


Getting there
Backyard Ultra
Erlenweg 36
6390 Engelberg