Alpine Cheese Trail by e-bike, Untertrübsee/Gerschnialp section




14.19 km long
difficulty: easy
condition: very easy
  • 01:15 h
  • 357 m
  • 357 m
  • 997 m
  • 1,279 m
  • 282 m
  • 14.19 km
  • start: Engelberg Abbey’s artisan cheese dairy
  • destination: Engelberg Abbey’s artisan cheese dairy
The e-bike tour to the Gerschnialp and Untertrübsee leads mostly through woodland so it is perfect for hot, sunny days. There’s also plenty for gourmets to enjoy.

From the start point at Engelberg Abbey’s artisan cheese dairy, the route first leads to the Titlisbahnen cableway valley station and then continues on the left down the tarmac Gerschnistrasse, where there is likely to be a certain amount of traffic, and on to Untertrübsee. The route leads steadily uphill, but with trees screening you from the sun, the going won’t seem so tough. After the woods start to thin out, the road curves a few more times before forking. Here, you take the right-hand road to Untertrübsee, which remains tarmacked. You will pass the Untertrübsee restaurant and Älplerseil cableway before coming to the Untertrübsee Alpine pasture on your left. You can make a stop at the Untertrübsee dairy and purchase some delicious Alpine cheese. You then return to the fork in the road and this time take the other path, towards Gerschnialp. Once you have passed the mountain station of the funicular railway, the route goes by the Ritz mountain restaurant. From there it is just a few metres to the Gerschnialp cheese dairy. You then return to Engelberg along the Gerschnistrasse.

Please note that depending on weather conditions (snow conditions) not all alpine cheese dairies are occupied in June.


Best season

depending on the weather


Engelberg Abbey’s artisan cheese dairy-Titlis valley station-Untertrübsee-Alpine cheese dairy Untertrübsee-Untertrübsee-Alpine cheese dairy Gerschnialp-Talstation Titlis-Engelberg Abbey’s artisan cheese dairy

Tour information

  • Barrier-Free

  • Stop at an Inn


Engelberg’s bike shops have a wide range of bikes and cycling accessories for sale or hire. It’s also worth stopping by if your bike is in need of repairs or replacement parts.


Mit dem Auto fahren Sie auf der A2 (Basel-Gotthard) bis Stans Süd, dann auf der Hauptstrasse 20 km nach Engelberg. Engelberg liegt 30 Minuten von Luzern, 1 Stunde und 15 Minuten von Basel, Zürich oder Bern. 
Parkplätze stehen in Engelberg kostenpflichtig zur Verfügung.
Nationale und internationale Verbindungen (ab Zürich Flughafen Verbindungen im Halbstundentakt mit ca. 1h Fahrzeit) bis Luzern. Danach mit der Zentralbahn in 43 Minuten durch eine abwechslungsreiche Landschaft und Schluchten hinauf nach Engelberg.

Additional information


Engelberg - Titlis Tourismus


Engelberg-Titlis Tourismus


You can call ahead to book a relaxing whey bath at the Gerschnialp dairy, and excellent food is available at the Untertrübsee and Gerschnialp restaurants.


Getting there
Alpine Cheese Trail by e-bike, Untertrübsee/Gerschnialp section
6390 Engelberg