Heart Route - Section 8 Zug-Einsiedeln - SwitzerlandMobility Route 99




39.59 km long
Difficulty: medium
condition: medium
Great panorama
  • 03:44 h
  • 1,013 m
  • 546 m
  • 414 m
  • 1,054 m
  • 640 m
  • 39.59 km
  • Start: Einsiedeln
  • Destination: Zug
The Heart Route leads you through some of the loveliest parts of prealpine Switzerland. The secluded trails, far from traffic noise and all hustle and bustle, are particularly appealing for exploring by electric bike. The route offers heart-warming encounters with the countryside and people.

In Zug the tour begins in the romantic old town. Through charming scenery to Unterägeri. Far above Lake Ägeri, the route offers stunning views of the mountains. On to the upland moor of Rothenturm. The Chatzenstrick Pass rounds off this particular tour.

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather


Zug - Allenwinden - Unterägeri - Alosen - Tänndlichrüz - Einsiedeln

Tour information

  • Cultural Interesting

  • Stop at an Inn


Routenführer Herzroute und Routenführer Herzschlaufen

Directions & Parking facilities

Auf der A4a von Luzern oder Zürich die Ausfahrt «Zug/Baar» nehmen.
Es empfiehlt sich in einem der Parkhäuser der Stadt Zug zu parken; kostenpflichtig. Signalisationstafeln an den Verkehrsknoten zeigen die Anzahl freier Parkplätze und den Weg zu den Parkhäusern an.
Taking the train to Zug is a particularly attractive proposition, since it delivers you straight into the heart of the town.

Additional information


Einsiedeln-Ybrig-Zürichsee Tourismus



Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author

  • Morgarten Monument

  • Einsiedeln Monastery


Getting there
Heart Route - Section 8 Zug-Einsiedeln - SwitzerlandMobility Route 99
6300 Zug