Langis Bike




17.63 km long
difficulty: medium
condition: easy
  • 03:25 h
  • 1,192 m
  • 223 m
  • 469 m
  • 1,461 m
  • 992 m
  • 17.63 km
  • start: Sarnen
  • destination: Langis
Idyllic bike tour from Sarnen into the flowery high moorland landscape of the Langis.

Passing bubbling streams and through secluded forests, unexpected vantage points open up with views of the Central Swiss and Bernese glacier peaks.

North of Sarnen, past the two-storey hive and the Chapel of the Holy Cross, the view opens up on the left to the village of Sarnen and the striking valley cut to the Melch valley. Lake Alpnach, the Stanserhorn, the Rigi and the Mythen can be seen through the next clearing in the forest to the north. In the midst of the exotically colourful flora just before Alp Liebäfang, fresh mountain spring water offers a chance to replenish your drink supplies.

A somewhat steeper concrete road winds up to the snow hole, where it turns into a gently ascending forest road. Schwanden's Schluochtseeli lake shimmers black on the left. A newly constructed connecting path leads through the quiet moorland.


Best season

depending on the weather


Obwalden Tourismus


Obwalden Tourismus


Getting there
Langis Bike
6060 Sarnen