Rigi Tour - SwitzerlandMobility Route 963




29.20 km long
round trip
difficulty: medium
condition: easy
Great panorama
  • 04:34 h
  • 1,025 m
  • 1,025 m
  • 434 m
  • 1,330 m
  • 896 m
  • 29.20 km
  • start: Brunnen
  • destination: Brunnen

The routes on the Rigi massif offer some of the best mountain biking in Central Switzerland. The fabulous views in all directions are a joy for the eye and balm for the soul.

Though not really technically difficult, you need to be fit for this demanding ride. It is amply rewarded by wonderful distant views.

After a flat section along Lake Lucerne, the ascent to the Gätterli Pass begins at Gersau. The ride leads to Timpelweid via Alp Egg and the Gottertli. Just before the Urmiberg is a short section where you need to dismount. This is followed by a rapid descent down to the valley and along the Muota back to where you started.



Best season

depending on the weather


Brunnen - Gersau - Gätterli - Gotterli - Urmiberg - Seewen - Brunnen

Tour information

  • Loop Road

  • Stop at an Inn


Ein dichtes Netz gut ausgebauter National- und Hauptstrassen verbindet Brunnen mit allen wichtigen Zentren der Schweiz und der Nachbarländer. Weitere Informationen: www.tcs.ch oder www.maps.google.ch

Auf dem Ortsplan von Brunnen finden Sie die verschiedenen Parkplätze eingezeichnet. Alle Parkplätze sind kostenpflichtig.

Empfehlung für Langzeitparkierer 24h/CHF 5.- Muotaplatz.

Brunnen lies on the most important north-south railway axis and benefits from excellent connections with the rest of the Swiss Federal Railways network. Excellent rail links.

Insider's tip: take the bike on the boat and enjoy the trip on Lake Lucerne to Brunnen.

Additional information


Schwyz Tourismus


Schwyzer Wanderwege


  • Lake Lucerne

Safety guidelines

The lakeside road between Brunnen and Gersau is very busy on weekends. The route is waymarked in one direction only: Brunnen - Gersau - Gätterli - Brunnen.


Getting there
Rigi Tour - SwitzerlandMobility Route 963
6440 Ingenbohl